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Mas de Kyoto
2 Ancien Chemin de Nimes 30190 Dions, France
*If the above address does not appear on Google Maps, try to find with '38 rue du château 30190 Dions'.
There is a tower on the other side of the road in front of the restaurant (cafe) 'La Guinguette'
in Dions.Follow the road next to it and go straight up the slope to the white stone house with light green windows at the end of the road.This white house is Mas de Kyoto.
The trout is just at the confluence of the 'Rue du chateau' and the 'Rue du puits neuf'.
By the car
20 min from station Nimes centre TGV -15km
20 min from Uzes centre ville -15km
A 30 min from Ales centre ville -30km
A 50 min from station d'Avignon TGV -40km
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